
年來自分が考へた叉自分が多少實行し來りたる處世の方針は何處へ行つた。前後を切斷せよ、妄りに過去に執着する勿れ、徒らに將來に望を屬する勿れ、滿身の力を込めて現在に働けというのが乃公の主義なのである。                      「倫敦消息


"4. How language works", "5. Words, words, words".
The Language Instinct.

Davidson, "7. Rational Animals (1982)" in Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective.
He put succinctly, and i didn't find a difficulty understanding what he wanna say as i often do in his writings. This may be partly because i got used to his way to put everything confidently. Anyway i read this article for preparing the final exam that gonna be held on next Mon. An writing test. And we may bring any stuff, so i should put things down in a paper. We just copy it during the test.

That course title is "Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity". So i was looking forward to stumbling on something interesting about intersubjectivity.