
年來自分が考へた叉自分が多少實行し來りたる處世の方針は何處へ行つた。前後を切斷せよ、妄りに過去に執着する勿れ、徒らに將來に望を屬する勿れ、滿身の力を込めて現在に働けというのが乃公の主義なのである。                      「倫敦消息





1. “Identity and Necessity.” First published in Identity and Individuation, edited by Milton K. Munitz, New York
University Press, New York, 1971, pp. 135-164.

2. “On Two Paradoxes of Knowledge.” Previously unpublished.

3. “Vacuous Names and Fictional Entities.” Previously unpublished.

4. “Outline of a Theory of Truth.” First published in Journal of Philosophy, Vol 72, No. 19, November, 1975, pp.

5. “Speaker’s Reference and Semantic Reference.” First published in Midwest Studies in Philosophy, II, 1977, pp.

6. “A Puzzle About Belief.” First published in Meaning and Use, edited by A. Margalit, D. Reidel, Dordrecht,
1979, pp. 239-283.

7. “Functionalism and Automata.” Previously unpublished.

8. “A Problem in the Theory of Reference: the Linguistic Division of Labor and the Social Character of Naming,” Philosophy and Culture (Proceedings of the XVIIth World Congress of Philosophy), Editions
Montmorency, Montreal, 1986, pp. 241-247.

9. “Nozick on Knowledge.” Previously unpublished.

10. “Russell’s Notion of Scope,” Mind, 114 (2005), pp. 1005-1037 (Special Edition on the 100th anniversary of Bertrand Russell’s paper “On Denoting” in Mind 1905)

11. “The First Person.” Previously unpublished.

12. “Frege’s Theory of Sense and Reference: Some Exegetical Notes,” Theoria, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2008, pp. 181-218.

13. “Presupposition and Anaphora: Remarks on the Formulation of the Projection Problem,” Forthcoming in Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Summer 2009).

ていうか13読んだことないが,ling inqから出るんだ.動的なものがほんと流行るなあ.結局presuppositionってなに,っていうトピックはでかすぎて俺にはまだ無理だ.