
年來自分が考へた叉自分が多少實行し來りたる處世の方針は何處へ行つた。前後を切斷せよ、妄りに過去に執着する勿れ、徒らに將來に望を屬する勿れ、滿身の力を込めて現在に働けというのが乃公の主義なのである。                      「倫敦消息


Pinker, "9 Baby born talking??describes heaven."

Cook and Newson, 1996, Chomsky's Universal Grammar??An introduction, 2nd, Blackwell.


Nature: a principle common to the syntax of all languages

Definition: operation on sentences such as movement require a knowledge of the structural relationships of the words rather than their linear sequence

Example (Chomsky, 1980a):

(1) Is the man who is tall John?
(2) *Is the man who tall is John?

Gloss: question formation in English involves moving the auxiliary from the main clause to the front; thus making (1) grammatical and (2) ungrammatical

Extension: Chapter 6 deals with movement in detail

Source: Used by Chomsky in many places, e.g. Chomsky, 1971; 1980a; 1986a; 1988)

The Head Parameter

Nature: a parameter of syntax concerning the position of heads within phrases, for example Nouns in NPs, Verbs in VPs, etc.

Definition: a particular language consistently has the heads on the same side of the complements in all its phrases, whether head-first or head-last


English is head-first:
in the bank: Preposition head-first before the complement NP in a PP
amused the man: Verb head-first before the complement NP in a VP

Japanese is head-last:
私 は 日本人 です (I Japanese am): V (です) head-last in a VP
日本 に (Japan in): P (に) head-last in a PP

Extensions: X-bar syntax in chapter 4


「11 控えめな論争」
「11.1 無害な異説たち」「11.2 三人の敗者: ティヤール,ラマルク,方向をもった突然変異」「11.3 誰のためになるのか?」
「第III部 心,意味,数学,そして徳性」
「12 文化のクレーン」
「12.1 猿の親戚がミームに出会う」「12.2 身体の乗っ取り屋の侵入」「12.3 ミーム学は科学として成り立つのか?」「12.4 ミームの哲学的重要性」
