78 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/07/17(金) 00:21:39.72 ID:tzMkcAn50
An intriguing pair of sentences that contain Japanese nominative cases. The square quotations are not part of sentences. I think the author added them for emphasis or just to visually distinguish the pair. so called an objective nominative?
[Otokonoko-ga suki na-no]-ga
[Boy-NOM like ?COMP?-thing]-NOM
Boy can be the theme or the agent.
`What boys love is ...'
`Those who love boys are ...
An intriguing pair of sentences that contain Japanese nominative cases. The square quotations are not part of sentences. I think the author added them for emphasis or just to visually distinguish the pair. so called an objective nominative?
[Otokonoko-ga suki na-no]-ga
[Boy-NOM like ?COMP?-thing]-NOM
Boy can be the theme or the agent.
`What boys love is ...'
`Those who love boys are ...
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