Vlastos, Gregory 1973/81 Platonic Studies, Princeton University Press
``The unity of the virtues in the Protagoras'' 221--265. Appendix ``The Argument in La. 197E ff. 266--269.
``A Note on ``Pauline Predications'' in Plato'' 404--409.
``What did Socrates Understand by His ``What is F?'' Question?''
``Socrates on ``The Parts of Virtue''''
Penner, Terry 1973 ``The Unity of Virtue'' Philosophical Review 82 35--68.
Devereux, Daniel T. 1992 ``The Unity of the Virtues in Plato's Protagoras and Laches. Phil Review 101 765--789.
Devereus, Daniel T. ``The Unity of Virtues'' in Blackwell Guide.
Sedley, David 2003 Plato's Cratylus Cambridge University Press.
Taylor C.C.W. 1976 Plato Protagoras, Clarendon Press. Oxford.
``The unity of the virtues in the Protagoras'' 221--265. Appendix ``The Argument in La. 197E ff. 266--269.
``A Note on ``Pauline Predications'' in Plato'' 404--409.
``What did Socrates Understand by His ``What is F?'' Question?''
``Socrates on ``The Parts of Virtue''''
Penner, Terry 1973 ``The Unity of Virtue'' Philosophical Review 82 35--68.
Devereux, Daniel T. 1992 ``The Unity of the Virtues in Plato's Protagoras and Laches. Phil Review 101 765--789.
Devereus, Daniel T. ``The Unity of Virtues'' in Blackwell Guide.
Sedley, David 2003 Plato's Cratylus Cambridge University Press.
Taylor C.C.W. 1976 Plato Protagoras, Clarendon Press. Oxford.
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